30 May to 2 June
Steamboat Springs, Colorado, Hybrid, PHY 298I Dissemination of Scientific Research
Symposium on Regional STEM Education
Colorado Mountain College campus
Details to come
6 - 8 June
Magdalena, New Mexico, Hybrid, PHY 298I Dissemination of Scientific Research
Historical and Current Small Telescope Binary Star Astrometry: Instruments, Telescopes, Observations, and Analysis
Wednesday, June 5
Symposium reception Wednesday evening
Thursday, June 6
Classic Double and Binary Star Astrometry
Morning: History of Double and binary star astrometry, ancient Greeks - 1960
Afternoon: Classic telescopes and astrometric instruments, 1609-1960
Evening: Visual observations of binary stars with historic refractors (and other telescopes) equipped with historic astrometric instruments such as filar micrometers, Lyot double-image micrometers, and astrometric eyepieces.
Friday, June 7
Modern Binary Star Astrometry
Morning: Modern binary star speckle interferometry including, amateur and student research 1970 - present
Afternoon: Modern orbital analysis, smaller research telescopes, and electronic cameras
Evening: Electronic camera observations: CCD for wider separations and CMOS speckle interferometry for smaller separations. Reduce speckle observations with Dave Rowe’s Speckle Toolbox.
Saturday, June 8
Post-symposium tour (planned): Magdalena Ridge Observatory 2.4-meter telescope and interferometer array
Thursday/Friday, June 6/7 2024
Symposium, Fireplace Room, Hi Country Lodge, 303 1st Street, Magdalena, New Mexico
Organizers: John W. Briggs and Russell M. Genet
20-22 June
Ontario, California, Hybrid, PHY 298I Dissemination of Scientific Research Society for Astronomical Sciences (SAS) Annual Symposium
The annual SAS Symposium on Telescope Science has become one of the premier events for amateur astronomers, professional astronomers, and students. The symposium fosters pro-am collaborations and student and teacher interactions with amateur and professional astronomers. Presentations cover a range of topics, including imaging basics, photometry, spectroscopy, instrumentation, and more. Observations range from near-Earth to the edges of the universe.
23-27 June
Mt. Wilson Observatory, California, in-person, PHY 298G Advanced Astronomical Research
Mt Wilson Binary Star Speckle Interferometry Observing Run
We will gather data on binary stars for use in student-published papers. Write an overall paper on the run, calibration, and binaries observed (for publication and reference by subsequent users of the data). Stay in the historic Monastery, and observers help cook meals. Joint run with instructors and students from Colorado Mountain College. Monastery space is limited. The ‘normal’ workshop prerequisite is prior co-authorship of a paper submitted for publication.